A Job to Love

The School of Life Press
  • Publisher : The School of Life Press; Illustrated edition (9 Feb. 2017)
  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 188 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0993538754
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0993538759
  • Dimensions : 13.46 x 2.29 x 19.56 cm
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longside a satisfying relationship, a career we love is one of the foremost requirements for a fulfilled life. Unfortunately, it is devilishly hard to understand oneself well enough to know quite where one's energies should be directed.  A Job To Love is designed to help us out of some of these impasses. It is a guide to how we can better understand ourselves and locate a job that is right for us.

With compassion and a deeply practical spirit, this book guides us to discover our true talents and to make sense of our confused desires and aspirations before it is too late.

Chapters include:

  • How we came to desire a job we could love
  • The 'vocation myth'
  • The output/input confusion
  • The dangers of success
  • Confidence and inner voices
  • The 'perfectionism trap'
  • The imposter syndrome
  • Good enough work
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