
The School of Life

Hardback book | 136 Pages | 190mm x 160mm x 17mm | Yellow ribbon bookmark

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Few life skills are as neglected, yet as important, as the ability to remain calm. Our very worst decisions and interactions are almost invariably the result of a loss of calm - and a descent into anxiety and agitation. Surprisingly, but very fortunately, our power to remain calm can be rehearsed and improved.

We don't have to remain where we are now: our responses to everyday challenges can dramatically alter. We can educate ourselves in the art of remaining calm not through slow breathing or special teas but through thinking. This is a book that patiently unpacks the causes of our greatest stresses and gives us a succession of highly persuasive, beautiful and sometimes dryly comic arguments with which to defend ourselves against panic and fury.

Chapters include:

  • Romantic Expectations
  • The Weakness of Strength
  • Unintended Hurt
  • In Defence of Politeness
  • Patience
  • Colleagues
  • The Sources of Calm
  • The Quiet Life
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