The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition


The Divine Comedy: 700th Anniversary Edition (English Only / 1 Volume)
By Dante Alighieri
Translated by J.G. Nichols
ISBN: 9781847498762
576 pages

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‘All life is written in Dante’s burning pages, and Nichols has done him proud.’  The Observer

‘Bravo for this new version of Dante … Bravo, Professor Nichols!’  The Church Times

‘For sheer liveliness, combined with accuracy and closeness to the text, it will be hard to rival.’ A.N. Wilson

Dante’s dramatic journey down the circles of Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory and through the spheres of Heaven in search of redemption – and his encounter with devils, monsters and the souls of sinners and saints – is one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the summit of medieval thinking and arguably the highest poetic achievement of all time.

This 700th Anniversary Edition of The Divine Comedy is presented in a verse translation by acclaimed poet and prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols, together with extensive notes, illustrations by Gustave Doré and a critical apparatus focusing on the author’s life and works.

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